Dan Bullock's Mosey Project

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His Own Self…Art by Andy Coolquitt…

Well Yes, There’s That, But…It Gets Better…

—Just when we thought, etc., etc.,…there’s an upsurge in Covid.

—We’re better prepared in general, but the unvaccinated have placed us and our healthcare workers in jeopardy with their refusal to honor science over ignorant political rhetoric and disinformation.

—Weather extremes are reminding us of our urgent responsibility to be better stewards of our natural resources.

—Ineffective leadership at many levels has left us unable to be collaborative in search of solutions for many challenges.

—The media have had a rolling pledge to be more forthright in holding the powerful accountable. They’ve yet to honor this intent…just sniping around the edges. EXAMPLE: Wasting so much time with petty criticisms of Biden (an honorable, experienced, caring gentleman), when the Trump cabal just about destroyed Democracy…and are still at it…with little effective media scrutiny or accountability in general.

—Still too much incivility, fear-mongering, racism, bigotry and hate-speech permeating the public square and social media…too many guns…

—An inability to rally bipartisan support for widely popular issues like voter rights, infrastructure support, the Jan. 6th Commission, and accessible healthcare demonstrates our leadership challenge. ETC, ETC…

Yes, There’s That…So, what can we do about it?

We Rise To Our Occasion…

From LBJ School of Public Affairs…

We honestly assess what works, note what doesn’t, and what might improve our odds if we have the courage, creative thinking and tenacity to scale solutions for success. Avoiding the repetition of failed approaches expecting positive results.

If we’re going for transformative change, we’ve got to more effectively work with those organizations where the most folks are gathered. Our schools at all levels, faith-based groups, government at all levels, non-profits, major employers, community centers, etc. Informed by diverse electronic and print media, in complement with social media platforms. We’ll discuss specific applications in future commentaries.

The Challenge of Leadership

If we wish structural community/governance change, We The People must raise our expectations and select/support leaders with the character, compassion and collaborative skills to effect that change…in all facets of community. Faith leaders, elected officials, school administrators, teachers, corporate execs, non-profit leaders, media personalities, prominent coaches, sports figures and entertainers. All can play roles in rallying our Better Angels. With goals of creative problem-solving, inclusion, constructive goal-setting, accountability and civil discourse. We know how…if we just will.

The Major Issues are Obvious. We’re Making Their Solutions Too Hard

Our major issues are community building, governance, people, social concerns…non partisan. We fail to resolve them by spending too much time creating ideological/partisan roadblocks and stalemates. Among our most important issues: Accessible/Affordable Healthcare, Environmental challenges, Gun Laws, Immigration, Education, Job Training, Economic Opportunities, Inclusion, Racism, Social Justice, Affordable Housing/Homeless, Women’s Issues, Jan. 6th Commission, Voter Rights, Infrastructure, Etc.

As engaged citizens, we best serve the larger community by enlisting a diversity of proven leaders to represent us at the negotiating tables. Challenged to lead civil discussions in pursuit of community interests. Negotiation and compromise for the common good. Working to avoid the partisan bickering that dilutes or negates progress. Issues of this magnitude require experienced leaders. There are many capable leaders in our communities, though we’ve discouraged high-calibre prospects with our lack of support and participation. We The People are the remedy for that. We must not default to such as the NRA and other partisan extremists who WILL take over our opportunities/responsibilities if we don’t.

The Potential of Collaborative Partnership

I’m a strong believer in the power of collaboration and partnership…bringing a diversity of good minds together for creative problem-solving. Personalities and politics can be moderated and mediated when capable leaders are challenged to put aside pettiness and self-interest for results bigger than themselves. Accountability and transparency should typify these debates. Corporate loaned execs, college/university experts, government officials, chambers of commerce, faith-based and other non-profit leaders…all good prospects.

Let’s Seek a Re-vitalized Democracy in This NEW YEAR…

It starts with you and me. We know the issues. We know many solutions. Covid and dysfunctional politics knocked us off balance. We let down our guard, and political opportunists filled the vacuum. It’s now our turn to reverse course, rise to our occasion, reclaim our Democracy and do the right thing…Together.


We have many challenges, but also many blessings. The news is more optimistic on our potential for eliminating, or at least moderating, the Covid strains. A strengthening economy is an encouraging factor as we start this New Year. Political extremists are receiving their comeuppance, and an overwhelming majority of folks believe we can do better, and want to help achieve same. It’s a matter of perspective, character, commitment and constructive action. Future Mosey blogs will have suggestions for effective civic engagement.

And, recognizing these stressful times, it’s always important to counter the negative with family, friends, fun, and a soupçon of silliness thrown in for good measure. My emotional support animal “Clyde” has the right idea as we open this New Year. Let’s teach our world to “Chill”…starting with our Friend in the Mirror. WISHING YOU AND YOURS A HAPPY, HEALTHY & HOPEFUL NEW YEAR!

My Emotional Support Animal “Clyde”.